Cabaret #2

We are beginning to realize that the effects of hurricane Ike and the flood we had here is going to be felt for months.  The number of gardens that were destroyed and the numbers of livestock that was lost is great.  Many from our area depend on their gardens to live.  They might have a banana field and each week be able to sell a stock of them to by food for the family to eat.  With the fields being wiped out they will not be able to find anything to feed themselves and the children.  Many raise cows, goats, pigs, and chickens.  These are usually bought young and then sold for meat as they get older.  A femal cow, for example, would be able to produce and be able to provide milk for the family or milk to sell.  A chicken would provide eggs or be able to be sold to purchase other food for the family.  Everyone is very concerned. 

This is a house in Cabaret.  The water ate out infront and behind it.

There is the same house there on the right.  Look close at the people in the middle of the picture. You can see how deep this hole is.  The road above is one on the national highways.

Zoomed in of the same location

This man had hung this stock of bananas in his house and that is all that was saved from his belongings.

devasted banana field

Trying to dry out belongings

5 Responses to Cabaret #2

  1. Ericka says:

    This is exactly why I’m so hoping and praying the FMSC approval comes…..the long term food issues will be huge for some time to come……
    As SOON as I hear, the action will begin in a flurry to get that container FULL!!!!

  2. This just makes my heart hurt. We are praying for you all big time!

  3. […] RHFH Rescue Centre posts a photo update about one of the worst-hit Haitian towns, Cabaret. Posted by Janine Mendes-Franco  Print Version Share This […]

  4. […] RHFH Rescue Centre [En] publica fotos recentes de Cabaret [En], uma das cidades haitianas mais atingidas pelos recentes furacões. […]

  5. Good morning: Could I possibly use some of these photos for publication in the Mexican newspaper Excelsior giving your credit?
    If so, thank you.
    Bonjour: Serait it possible d’utiliser quelques unes de ces photos pour les publier dans le journal Méxicain Excelsior, mentionant qu’elles appartienent à RHFH? Au cas ou celà soit possible,
    Je vous remercie.

    Le courriel pour confirmer votre décision est le même:

    Carmen Alvarez
    Journal Excelsior
    Bucareli # 1
    c.p. 06600
    México, D.F.
    (5255) poste 3487

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