New kids admitted into the RC…

This is Raymond.  He is 12 months and weighs 15 pounds. He has a bad case of diar and vomiting.  He does not want to eat or drink.

This is Gedeon.  He is 2.5 years old and weighs 23 pounds. He is suffering from kwashiorkor.  He has been sick for about 2 weeks.

This is Darlens.  His age in unknown.  His weighs 11 pounds.  His mother was going into Port-au-Prince, the day of the earthquake,  to give blood for a family member that was having surgery.  She never returned.  They never found her.  The father was killed when a house fell on him.  An aunt brought him to the clinic to see if we could take him.  He is severely malnourished.

Psalm 4:7-8 (NIV)


 7 You have filled my heart with greater joy
       than when their grain and new wine abound.

 8 I will lie down and sleep in peace,
       for you alone, O LORD,
       make me dwell in safety.

15 Responses to New kids admitted into the RC…

  1. Maggie says:

    Since it’s not possible to formally adopt these children at this time, can I sponsor them. “Adopt” them so to speak, but they would stay there? Make sense?

    • haitirescuecenter says:

      You could sponsor a child in the Rescue Center, it is about $80-100 to care for each child a month… did you have a child in mind? Many sponsors choose an amount to send in per month to go towards their child’s care.

  2. katehopeeden says:

    Bless their hearts.

  3. Bekki says:

    Bless you as you continue this work. I know it must be harder than ever and I am in awe of the way God works through you. LOVE YOU!

  4. Carmen says:


  5. Nikki says:

    Praise God for you as you move forward in caring for these beautiful little ones….as you always have. Praying for all of you!

  6. What a heart-wrencher this post is. Surrounding you all with our prayers. Sending money, as much as we can. Bending God’s ear toward the helpless little ones. The Great Shepherd is with you. Amen.

  7. eloranicole says:

    Once I read this post I googled kwashiorkor – I had never heard of this and Gedeon’s face haunted me. They describe it as “the disease of the displaced child.” My heart broke, then – even more than when I saw these pictures. Praying for God’s peace and love and magnificent strength to pour through you as you minister to these precious children.

  8. Tressa says:

    Sweet Jesus…be near…heal and save…

  9. kimb says:

    You don’t know us, but my husband and I are praying for you guys. Thank you for serving our Lord in Haiti.

  10. Aimee says:

    Reading with tears in my eyes – again. God bless you guys and your work!

  11. joy says:

    Praying for you and your ministry! Praying for a miracle in each of these precious one’s lives! Is there any chance of medical parole for them? If you ever have a need for that we’d be glad to provide care! Thank you for sharing this journey with us!


  12. Jenny W. says:

    Your hands and feet are blessed by the Lord. I pray that your spirit be renewed hourly by His spirit and that you are able to continue to administer His healing in the Name of the Lord Jesus. I am a registered nurse and was sent your information through a mutual friend. I have a very strong desire to come in and serve in Haiti. Please contact me if you are looking for someone short term.

  13. […] just something I find myself thinking about often.  Especially when I read about Dorchelle and Raymond and Gedeon and Darlens.  Do you know what Kwashiorkor is?  Have you ever heard of Marasmus? I didn’t know what […]

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